Friday 16 December 2011

Nappy&Mee : 2 months gone…

Hey, Hey, Hey peopleeee!!! …. I know, I know… don’t be mad… I know I avnt blogged in a while and … no… I did not completely forget…. in fact, I remembered almost every day but I most certainly didn’t  want my “Adventure of the Strands of Nappy” to become a bore, so I decided to wait till our budding love affair clocked 2 (months… J) yup!!... its 2 months already… and yeah… I hope the last post was even a tad bit helpful and u learnt a thing or two…

So far…hmmmmm… its basically been not-so-different from what you already know (love/hiss affair)…. Let me re-iterate at this point tho, that I LOVE Nappy fiercely and the fact that she is growing !!!!(check pictures below) As this happens, I love her more cos she actually is ‘changing’ … well sorta… (my mentor, Jobi Tutu, told me about this before tho so I expected it) She is getting much more coily and defined…sorta… some strands are like pen-springs, others have a wider diameter and most of my strands are ‘ganging up’ (its hard to pick out a stand-alone strand)…..don’t really know how to explain it…but I love who she is becoming… Right now, she is somewhat in between a 3c and 4a hair type (closer to the 4a tho) and she is much softer and as usual, I get compliments from people about her on the regular (no, im not boasting.. just stating the reality)… I am really proud of her even tho I still get exasperated sometimes, to be honest, but in the end, it’s always worth it…
 yesterday... she has grown shey

three strands from Nappy jungle, a knot held em together so i couldnt seperate them properly

not too clear, but that was two weeks ago, in a Bantu Knot out

 Today!!....Happy Nappyversary!!!!!!!!!!!


Haven’t tried any new Nappy identity lately tho, been taking her around in her ‘plainest’ form  - TWA (teeny weeny afro)…. Why?... Apparently the Bantu Knot Outs aren’t ‘professional’ enough for work… sooo yeah… that’s why…

I sure will miss her when I go and “protective-style” her for Christmas. Its called tough love people…. Harmattan came into town recently and as soon as they met, Nappy got scared. Lady ‘Harmie’ isn’t particularly warm towards Nappy so even though Nappy and I wont shower together for a while, it gives me some kinda succour that she’s under cover and protected till saucy Harmattan travels back ….

Oh yeah…before I go, don’t know if I’ve mentioned that aside the confidence, self-worth and beauty I now feel for getting to know Nappy, she has effortlessly made me discover myself in more ways than ‘two’ and has brought fantastic, truly great people and moments into my life… sigh… I really do love Nappy, and the decision I made on 16th October, 2011, I can undoubtedly say, is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my whole, entire life …..*now teary eyed* … ok people, gotta go till….well…till the next time no ni… lol…

Laterzzzz… J

Monday 21 November 2011

I am Hair and I need Attention

Soooo people….my Bantu Knot outs are a wave maker…. J … and I generally just love Nappy…*giggles*... Like I promised, this post will be about things that ive learnt on purpose or unconsciously over the last month with Nappy…. Oh yeahhh… that’s true…. Nappy and I were a month on Wednesday ,16th November, 2011… yayyyy….. One month already… I know righhttt!! *sigh*… Ok so first things first...Our HAIR is our GLORY……So please remember the the general rule of thumb for all hair types is …

*ALL Hair Types LOVE water, especially Nappy-type hair, so get that water in there more often than you do now (of course that’s except you get water in your hair by the hour…lol..)

Now to the things u may not have known….

- Ladies, you know just the way you are conscious of what you use on your skin… yup… your hair needs that much attention too… So whatever hair product you may be using, ensure that the ingredients are hair friendly to guarantee healthy hair.

- Again, just the way we have different skin types and various products work for these different skin types … it’s the same with hair… Soooo… One product worked for A’s hair does not necessarily mean it would work for X’s hair. Find what works for you and stick to it… How?...  Experiment!... Petrified???... lol… If all of it falls out, it wud grow back jo… *sticking tongue out*

- About your hair falling out, I dint mean that… lol…. Buh really we can do ANYTHING we want to our hair as long as we are doing it right. So wotever hairstyle/look you want to achieve, make sure it’s with the right product(s) and procedure. For instance (remember I’m only a “one-monther” in this hair palaver o):

RELAXING – Whatever you do, avoid relaxers with LYE and always use a kit! Also, your hair texture should be directly proportional to the strength of the relaxer of your choice. e.g. soft, thin haired peeps should use Kids/Mild No-Lye relaxers and thick, coarse haired peeps should you use stronger ,No –Lye relaxers. *Notice “No LYE” for ALL*

WASHING – We generally really love shampoos that lather really easily and are easy to “play” with and get the build-up out quicker… true? … yeah, I know its true.. However, this may be reaallllyyy bad for our hair…. How?... The two “sister” ingredients that cause these ‘fabulous’ suds in our shampoo and even in toothpastes and some soaps we use have a drying, dehydrating feature. They are Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) and if you’re wondering why these manufacturers wud want to ‘harm’ you…lol…..its cos these ‘sisters’ are super cheap and fantastic at ‘degreasing’ almost anything at the speed of light. In the process tho, they suck out the natural lustre of our hair (I don’t think they can tell the difference between artificial and natural ‘grease’) and this would over time, cause our hair to break cos it doesn’t have ‘genuine ’ moisture… so there you have it. Watch out for these ingredients  and while its not impossible to find a shampoo without both or one of them, its also realllllyyyyy hard to. I am STILL looking for a shampoo without it but in the mean tym, I’m satisfied with ‘Co-washing’ .

CO-WASHING – A lot of people call this “NO-POOiNG” but I just feel weird saying that…. Basically co-washing is the art of washing your hair with only a conditioner (NO shamPOOiNG). Yup!...Cos conditioners contain moisturizers, re-constructors, acidifiers(help remove grease) and de-tanglers and are generally free of SLES and SLS…… Does it clean hair as well as a shampoo??... I don’t think so… However, you can shampoo your hair like twice a month or wen u feel it’s necessary… Basically sha, till you find that SLES, SLS shampoo, just co-wash more often.

Ok sha…I’d update that list later but for the products that work for almost every and anybody….

Water – I think it’s already over emphasised. It’s good for drinking, skin, hair, etc.

Olive Oil – Excellent for moisture and thick hair and great for skin too

Pure Shea Butter – Excellent for hair and skin. * CON - not-so –nice odour and may feel heavy on hair (but its very good sha).

Jojoba Oil – Great for moisturising the hair.

Soo while there are other oils/butters I’ve tried on my hair that worked for me,  these are the ones am very sure of for now that should work for almost everyone… I’d update later wen am sure of some more.

On a lighter, personal note, I went for the Naturals meeting on Saturday but I couldn’t spend long L.. Had to be at a barbeque (Had fun there sha *wide grin*)… I learnt a lot at the napptural meeting even for the short time I was there (about 20 minutes). I won’t share cos I don’t wanna bore you as Tife (my younger sis who is really annoying but I love anyway) was bored stiff…. lol…  

I’m still in love with Nappy and because of this love…I tried BIOTIN supplements (ß follow that link)… And it gave me tension headaches and so I had to stop it after d 3rd day. I’m glad I dint break out cos  ppl usually break out in stubborn acne but it does work for their hair and nails… oohhh yeahh… of which I have to do protective styling (e.g. corn rows, braiding, ) soon …. Why?… I don’t want to subject Nappy to the harshness of "Harmattan’s Reign"…  

Hope this post is of great help, don’t hesitate to ask me any questions and if I can’t give an answer, remember that GOOGLE is your friend J …lol…

Talk to y’all later….

Monday 14 November 2011

My FIRST Bantu Knot Out....

Hey people!!... Without too much introductory ado, lemme gist u about how the weekend went…

On Friday evening, im bored stiff at work at like 7pm waiting for Doyin to be ready and then I think to myself…. Hmmmm…. I have two weddings tomorrow and I must to like to look really nice ooo… so while am scared of how the Bantu Knot Outs will turn out, I have to take that risk as I have no other choice with my teeny, weeny, afro…… After starting the knotting at work, I completed it at home and wore a wig cap, and with some “ irregular palpitations”(borne out of the thought of a possible disaster in the morning), I say a little prayer and go to bed…..

I wet the hair… sectioned it…..knotted each section… I wet the hair… sectioned it…..knotted each section… Yup!... at 7:15 am on Saturday, 12th November, THAT was my waking thought… I was that nervous… and so I needed to keep reminding myself of the effort I had put in and even if I turned up at the weddings looking like a Leprechaun, I did try my best….

Done with my morning devotion, I set out (of my bed) to get ready and just before I could say the J in Jack Robinson, Doyin calls and says she’d be at mine in a bit… I acquire “Godspeed” (especially as I dint have to co-wash nappy for the first time since the Big Chop) and in about 25 minutes I was ready… *sigh*… and thennn… the time had come for the Beauty to be separated from the Beast… As I un-knotted the Bantus from the back, the palpitations got louder and I kept taking deep breaths to remind myself I was still alive... almost halfway taking the knot outs from the back, I had to get into the car and head for  wedding 1… Im sure y’all know what this means…. no matter the turn out of the Bantu Knots, I’m STUCK with the hair…. Now, that freaked me out shitless…… Ok so lemme skip all the remaining drama and take you to the goooood news…..

As I walked into Tosin’s wedding (wedding 1)……. heads turned… WHY?...Duh!!! … I looked GORGE!!.  Yayyyyyyy!! It DID turn out NICE!!!... Very nice… Yes, Yes and Yes people!! I looked FAB!!!... and NO I don’t have ‘Pride of Life’ I only recognise good tins.... If you don’t believe me, see pictures below….

At wedding 1 with a colleague, Efe

En route Wedding 1 

Wedding 1 with a colleague, Deji (looking like we are in the 70's)

Wedding 2 with Dami(on my left side) and her friends...

Helloooo Boyyyy!!!!!... dont lie.... I looked nice!!!!… *dancing alanta with a really wide grin*

Wedding 2 was no different and everyone in general has a great appreciation for Nappy… Im really encouraged I must confess, more so, I met 2 rili fab chics that have been natural for 6 and 17   years respectively and typically we had brief chats about our hair n all n all…. OH yeahhhhhhh…. That reminds me…

For all y’all naturals or aspiring naturals, guess wot? ...WOT?? (Calm downnn… id tell you…lol..).... There is a ‘ Naturals in the City’ meet-up for all of us on Saturday, 19th November at 33, Sinari Daranijo Street, Off Younis Bashorun Street, Off Ajose Adeogun Street, Victoria Island, Lagos…. Yup!...Am for real!!! … it’s from 1:30 – 5:30 pm and there will be giveaways.. Im sooo excited… I’d be meeting a count of people who can give me advice and help me be proactive with Nappy… J Thanx again Jobi-tutu for telling me about this *kisssssss*

My next post will be teaching y’all some things I’ve learnt about Nappy and hair products  that could help you guys (may not work for every one so id try n be general, may be do some research)…Laterzzz

Thursday 10 November 2011

Nushy&Nappy: the "LOVE/HISS" Affair

Ok… so being WHO I am, I probably will get tired of this routine soon.. lol… I love myself way tooo much to be caring this much for a “small jungle” developing on my head ooo…  Ah ah… (Don’t get it twisted ….. I LOVE Nappy, a lot).. No doubt, she is one beautiful ‘jungle’ , but she, however, gets me a little too exasperated lately... ok sooo.. last week Sunday…. See what happened…

I wake up, try to read my Bible and pray, and thereafter, I excitedly (as usual) get ready for the ritual boudoir workout. After taking care of Nappy and I, using the only creation that has NO enemy (water) and a couple of other tools, I dress up for church. Church was amazing, and as I head back home, it’s with the hope of resting before Ore’s (my darling fwend) birthday dinner later on…...

Giggles…Butterflies...Balloons…Colours…Bubble gum..…....FIRE ALARM????.... Noooo!!!...From where naaaa *crying*… I liked that dream.... Stupid ALARM!!!!… Shucks!!!! Its 4pm and I have to get up and get ready for Ore’s dinner… “ok lemme snooze”, I say to myself and just as I’m about to close my eyes and drift off into Dreamland for another 15minutes… wait for it…wait for it… I remember Nappy… Ah mehhnnn… oh nooo…!! I need that 15 minutes EXACTLY to care for her…oh NOOOOOO!!!!.. Me thinking = Iru wahala wo ni mo kora misi bayi? (In direct translation to English – What kind of trouble have I put myself into like this?)… So I drag myself off the bed and grudgingly “take care of nappy” (AARRGGGHHHH!!!) and get ready for the dinner (which im really glad I attended)…. *sigh*.... O GA O…na so I go dey treat hair like new born pikin? ...hmmm... mchewwwww!

FYI: NOTHING has EVER, EVER come in between me n my SLEEP before…

That’s basically how its been… a LOVE/’HISS’ affair…. I loved it A LOT on Tuesday tho ( 8th November) cos while hanging with my girls Dami and Lamide, I got alot of compliments from random peeps about how my TWA (teeny, weeny Afro) suits me…. how it looks soft and all n all n all …hehe… *blush*… On that note, however, Nappy may not be a TWA for too much longer cos im seeing some growth and getting a little nervous about it cos that means I have to pay MORE ATTENTION!!!… hmmm… ok o…hmmm… lets see how it goes… Oh yeah, by the way, Olamidun (a darling girlfriend who also encouraged me to get on the natural hair journey) finally saw Nappy on Friday (4th November) and she absolutely LOVED Nappy. ABSOLUTELY (don’t *yimu* jo… she’s blunt and doesn’t lie to me soo I believe her)… yayyyy… J

Generally, I sense that a lot of people are getting used to Nappy and on top of that, they are beginning to crush on her a lot…. U seeeeee!!!….. I told uuuuuuu….. They actually ARE getting used to it!!!!... Even though…. *insert embarrassed smiley*, I have a coupla new nicknames like … Simbi, Nkechi, Janet (both pronounced with an igbo accent), Ta-ta, Omo Skool (School Girl), Amber *blush* and strangely, still, OLD MAMA YOUNGIE (only my boss calls me that) *insert MAD smiley*… oh well… I don’t care… I still love Nappy even though she has somewhat earned me these “undignified” titles… *sigh*… the things we do for love…. (Just hope I don’t change mouth by the next tym im posting…lol..) J

Friday 28 October 2011

SO FAR....

SO FAR till Today (28th October 2011)

Sooooo!!! Its been 2 amazing weeks and every morning since, I have majestically…yes… majestically!!! strode into the bathroom to have a bath and co-wash  my hair (co-washing is the act ART of using only a conditioner to wash my hair). When I’m done with the "ritual", I stare into the mirror and admire the beautiful creation that I am... *sigh*... In these 2 weeks, I have already discovered that Nappy likes water A LOT, Tea tree Oil, Shea butter (not toooo much, but yeah), Olive oil and some placenta like that. J I also know that the hair at the back of my head is very coily (like these springs on push pens), in front it has looser curls and more stand-alone strands….in the middle it truly is an astonishing MIX of curly, coily and locked strands of hair. I TRULY am discovering myself… starting from the crown of my HEAD (will try n get down to the sole of my feet)!! J I also now know that some ingredients (e.g.  Sodium Laureth Sulfate) in shampoo aren’t very good for my hair (thanks to Ogor*) and so I have to consciously search for hair cleaners that don’t contain em…

However, a major “con” of this adventure with Nappy is that I may need “Intervention”..... {Hi, I'm Anu and I'm a 'PJ'...You: Hello Anu!!} (in “Napptural” world, that means I’m a "Product Junkie"). A only identify a Product Junkie by .. 1. The frequency of visits to the hair product section at the Super Mart (Mega Plaza) and… 2. Getting an email from your account officer asking if your ATM card was stolen!!! …*Sigh*… its bad L… *crying* …I have spent a GOOOOOOD amount of money buying hair products - Conditioners, conditioners, conditioners, conditioners, conditioners, shampoos, shampoos, hair custards, conditioners, hair oils, protein, conditioners...Yeah, I’m sure u get it... Nappy does get ALOT of conditioning (though am still yet to find a good leave-in conditioner)...… *sigh* … I know it’s a lot of cash but I just can’t help myself!!!... *insert‘can’t watch’ smiley*...

I actually “beef” Nappy sometimes cos she gets sooo much attention and pampering from me…*rolling eyes*… I’m sure other parts of my body are quite jealous but... "Not to worry “body parts”, I’m pampering all the way down to the sole of my feet!" *in Superman voice* I actually go online like every other day as soon as I get home to get new tips for Nappy-care….. he he… Ohhhh yeahhhh...forgot to gist y' the bid to "accessorize" Nappy o, na so I go buy some stretch hair bands ooo... lol... I wore them (used em to push my hair back thereby making my temple look bald...he he) on my first and second day at work after the Big Chop (grey and brown respectively) and after being called "Old Mama Youngie" by my boss, Ameze, who I fondly call "Oga mi" and Tobe my senior colleague (both of whom I'm really close to), I decided to try out an "unadulterated" Nappy...and... Lo and Behold!... A good chunk of my colleagues that wer all "No-No" before, actually preferred her without any extra, OMY (old mama youngie) hair band!!! Yayyy (not like it really mattered to me).... Awww... my natural 'ME' is actually 'FAB'BER!!... *wide grin*... *sigh*...

Now gazing into the bright side of things again, kindly be informed (lol), that with this bold step of mine (choosing to get to 'know' Nappy).....I can now shout from the roof tops that I am BEAUTIFUL, I am AFRICAN, I am CONFIDENT, I am BOLD, I am FREE, I am COMPLETE, I am COMFORTABLE WITH WHO I AM, I am NOT my HAIR and most importantly… I LOVE ME!!!... Just the way I was born, just the way God intended for me to look… No additional frills or strings attached….just plain ME. I honestly really can’t wait till my hair grows out and I can explore ALL the amazing, African (ethnic) hair styles for my natural, kinky hair ranging from Bantu Knots to Twist-outs (flat and braided) to Cornrows to…*sigh*...etc. The list is endless.

At this point am sure you can conclude that I LOVE my hair fiercely and deeply!!! That, and the freedom it brings. Granted, it’s only just hair actually, but the power of embracing the authenticity and true nature of my “glory” is JUST PURE BLISS!... be sure I'd keep you posted on the adventure…… Pictures of Me n Nappy below...

 Thats today actually!!

 My first day at work (thats d OMY band i was talking about)

 second day at work (last day with the band.. lol)

Sometime this week

 Sometime this week as well

*Ogor (Jobi Tutu) is a fabulous mentor in this Hair journey, constantly ready to listen to my rants and give really, really helpful advice*kiss kiss*

Thursday 27 October 2011


16th OCTOBER 2011
I got to the salon at about 12:30 pm straight from church to take out the ‘corporate dreadlocks’ that I got done 10 weeks prior. It was soo hard to take out though and as soon as it was out, I combed my now under-growth stricken hair (which i was growing out and did not intend to relax) and decided in about one millisecond to do the BIG CHOP. In one magical moment, I was sure I was sick and tired of attaching foreign bodies (South American, Indian.. to be precise ) and LYE to my hair and decided to return as some sort of ‘phoenix’ to my ‘nappy glory’… YAYYYY!!! Just as I was born!... The thought alone was like nirvana and besides my boyfriend isn’t around for another 11 months (he went for an  MBA in September).. No better time than NOW!!!!… I knew I was tired of trying to un-ME myself. I mean for Christ’s sake, these Caucasians don’t buy my African, kinky hair at cut-throat prices to put on their heads nowwww… (P.S Under duress, again, maybe in some 2 years or something, I may have to fix these ‘things’ again) but right now I am sure i'm taking the "fake" hair out…My thoughts exactly…

So I get into this uber dramatic conversation with ‘Mama Paul’, my stylist down the road, telling her in a nutshell that I’m cutting my hair. As expected, she screamed, threw some tantrums and even ‘trimmed ’the hair to satisfy me. But like they say, ‘if you want something done well, you’ve gotta do it yourself’. So… I get hold of the pair of scissors elegantly smiling at me on the table, and in a somewhat supernatural snap, I got all the relaxed ends out of a majority of my temple/front hair. Turning around to meet a horror stricken face, she knew just exactly what I was talking about. And without saying another word, in about 3 minutes, I had done the BIG CHOP…

Ok … soo I smiled at myself in the mirror… I felt soooooo good as about 5-6 inches of locks of my hair lay all over the floor and I looked at all of them and stuck my tongue out at them…lol.. I had never felt sooo FREE, LIBERATED and WHOLE before. I felt sooo complete as I embraced my ‘Black Heritage’… Jumping excitedly, I take a picture and update my blackberry display and typically, in a matter of 3 seconds post the update, I had about 25 pings at the same time… ATTENTION TIME!!! I knew already that I was gonna get a multitude of reactions but I dint care. I really was still contemplating fixing a weave on, but the responses I got actually made me bolder and sooo i decided to actually wear the TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro). However, like an anti-climax, I remembered that I hadn’t mentioned a word of this spontaneous decision to my boo… AAARRGGGHH!!... Im gonna be in trouble mehhnnnnn… I immediately pick up my phone and send him IMs telling him im sorry and that it would have grown back by the tym he returns.

Brushing the negative thought aside, I focused on the positive energy I now felt and attended to all my ‘fans’ of the moment, all dropping their irrelevant, good/neutral/bad feelings and opinions about my new look. I knew they’d get over it with time so I dint mind cause most importantly, I felt completely BEAUTIFUL!

As I waltzed out of the salon, I really didn’t wanna get home in a hurry so I went around looking for hair products and also got my eyebrows done. After all the wandering, reality set in and I took what seemed like the shortest stroll ever down my street (shortest because my dad has the exact same opinion Bayo has…oooh yeah.. that’s his name.. Bayo…the one who makes my world circular…*sigh* ). I walked into the living room expecting ALL the attack in the world and strangely my dad said in his oh-so-gentlemanly voice..”what did u do to your hair?” and I said “I cut it. The hair I just took out did a lot of damage” (so while it did SOME damage, I still lied) and he goes “Oh..ok..not just look a tad bit too young”. What!! That’s it?????... WOW!!! Life is indeed full of surprises.

Having crossed that "hurdle" (much easier than I thought), I knew the next one would be my mum, and then work tomorrow… I got to my bed and chatted with my boo a little… Trying to calm him down!!.. Sheeshhhh mehnnn!!! I thought this was MY hair!!... Anyway, I think I succeeded in making him a little calmer before I had my first nap with Nappy.....

17th OCTOBER 2011

Sooo… I wake up at 4:45am, 15 minutes earlier than normal! Gosh! My first bath with my nappy glory…*sigh* I would not trade this freedom and peace I feel within myself for anything… Did a co-wash and made my first discovery – Nappy LOVES water!!!… WOW its sooo soft and as I work the Shea butter and Tea Tree oil in, it gets even softer…*another sigh*..  I am soooo excited and can’t wait till everyone sees Nappy (that’s my hair by the way)… My colleague picks me up at about 5:45am and on sight, she goes…”Anu u’re crazy ooo… you really cut your hair… you look the same tho” and with a wide grin, I say “Doyin, I haven’t been happier!”

The drive to work was constituted majorly of me just rambling about how much I love my hair.

As I strode into my office at about 7:50am (after a short nap in Doyin’s car), the screams started from the entrance… a multitude of comments and opinions came in – a couple of compliments but mostly “No-No’s” as they were in shock. I really didn’t care as the most important thing was ME – I was happy, I AM happy! And I thot to myself “They’d get used to it”.

My day was going by really great and the comments kept pouring in… whether GOOD or bad, I really did not care (really, really), I just loved the feeling and the attention *insert wide grin*… UNTIL Bayo decided he could not keep pretending that he’s okay with the hair and informed me about how LIVID he was n etc….*rolling eyes*.. Aaannyyywaaaayyy… I still had a great day J (though he told me to take d pictures off my BB status)…

I got home at about half nine and my mum was in the sitting room…(she hadn’t seen the hair) and as soon as I walked in…wait for it…wait for it…”Oh wow.. kilo se si run e(what did u do to your hair)? Did u cut it?” and I go “Yeah”.. n she goes..”Anuuu…mo ti bi eleyi na (A humorous way of saying “This my child!!”)”. After confirming to her that it makes me happy….She just smiled and said “Have a ball lashing out and discovering yourself, just make sure whatever you do won’t affect your career and that the police doesn’t come looking for you”. Yipeeeeee!!! My mum actually gets it!! I CAN do what I want as long as no one gets hurt.
On this note, I proceed to bed sooo happy and light headed, ready to really start Nushy’s Adventure of the Strands of Nappy!!!……

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The story till the BIG CHOP

Sooo... let me take you through my story till I decided to do the BIG CHOP….
JULY 2010
No! Anu, I love my woman to have hair…Buh baby…No, I really cant stand hair-cuts on women no matter how nice it is…*sigh… that was a typical conversation between my boyfriend and I in the wee days of the month of June, 2010. It was pretty annoying cos we had only started dating in May and I’m thinking ‘Wait o…is it not my hair? *rolling eyes*’….Anyywaaayyy… I eventually had a “stylish” haircut in July (without his consent…by the way)… it felt sooo, damn good…I liked the cut even though I still dint have that ‘gratification’ I was searching for (frankly I dint know wot I was searching for) and I needed to find ‘IT’. Under duress(from my boyfriend..(dont roll ur eyes just yet cos I’m reaalllyyyy into him)), I only had the hair cut on for about a month and had to fix weaves and cornrows till my hair ‘grew back out’ and in..
My boyfriend got me this really sleek Brazilian weave as opposed to all other wavy or curly ones and I just had to wear it for my birthday (Valentine’s day) soo I had to ‘lye’ my hair up… and as soon as I was done relaxing my hair… I just knew I could not do ‘this’ anymore and vowed to go No-Lye from that day. I decided I was going natural but resolved to ‘grow it out’ till it was long enough … Well...until i decided to do the "Big Chop" on 16th October, 2011  :) . (That's me in the brazillian weave on my birthday)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Introducing... NUSHY

Ok…so for a first blog entry I guess I have to introduce myself…sooo here goes..
An eccentric, sanguine-melancholy, Nigerian young lady, my name is Anuoluwapo Soloye… Anuoluwapo in direct translation to English would mean “God’s mercy is abundant” and my last name, Soloye would mean..errr.. never mind J….. `
Im just gonna cut to the chase and say I am currently finding myself and on that journey, guess what came along….the BIG CHOP (cutting off ALL relaxed tips of my hair after growing it out for a while to reveal a TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro))! First of,  lemme say I feel soooooooooooooo FREE and frankly, I haven’t felt more beautiful in my whole, entire (well..short) life.
I did the BIG CHOP on Sunday, 16th October 2011 and I have had a ball since ...imma take you through the journey from this point...